• 学生募集
  • お問合せ
  • 群馬大学
  • 生体調節研究所
  • 細胞構造分野

Laboratory of Molecular Membrane Biology


Eukaryotic cells are composed of several membrane-bound organelles. The shape and composition of cells are dynamically regulated during cell differentiation and are also influenced by various changes in the extracellular environment. We are interested in the regulation of organelle dynamics during animal development and use C. elegans as a model system. In particular, we explore the mechanisms and physiological roles of autophagy and endocytosis in fertilized eggs by using genetic and cell biological approaches.

research figure


Miyuki Sato, Ph.D.

e-mail :m-sato * gunma-u.ac.jp (* = @)

Adress :Laboratory of Molecular Membrane Biology, IMCR, Gunma University

3-39-15 Showa, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8512, Japan